What is a Website Heatmap in 2022 + Best Heatmap Creation Tool
In today’s era, we’re surrounded by various data forms. And the availability of such large amounts of data is impressive by itself. But mere access to data isn't enough. What's…
Stay up-to-date with the latest on digital marketing.
In today’s era, we’re surrounded by various data forms. And the availability of such large amounts of data is impressive by itself. But mere access to data isn't enough. What's…
Social media is constantly evolving, and Instagram is no exception. Instagram is the fastest-growing app, with more than 1 billion users (projected to jump to ~1.2 billion in 2023). Its…
The world is evolving so fast. So is everything inside it. Yet, so many people use old, inefficient methods to achieve what they want. Furthermore, when they cannot achieve it,…
It’s a common mistake to use customer service and customer experience interchangeably. The truth of the matter is that they are very different, although kind of related. Understanding the difference…
Persona mapping does not sound like the most complicated thing, but it has some complexities we need to be aware of. A successful company constantly learns what its consumers want…
Marketers also use Google Analytics heat mapping as their favorite tool to visualize their website’s data on Google Analytics. “Google Analytics is the top SEO tool used by marketers,” says…